What is it about?

Melam - now a household brand name in India began with no investment. It used all the techniques of bootstrapping skillfully to become the country's largest exporting brand. The journey was not easy for a newbie but focus and tremendous willpower helped.

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Why is it important?

This is important for aspiring entrepreneurs to understand the power of bootstrapped business. Many stall their ideas for want of funds. But this case proves that a solid idea and determination supersedes funding.


Developing this case study in itself was very inspiring. I could feel the energy and vigor of the creative minds of entrepreneurs - how they do not give up but do everything ethically possible to chase their dreams.

Dhanya Kurian

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Melam Group: Bootstrapped Entrepreneurship, South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases, November 2019, SAGE Publications,
DOI: 10.1177/2277977919881400.
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