What is it about?

The observation report summarizes the current situation of the Rule of Law in Turkey and the increasing international concerns, exemplified by the case against Mrs. Yuksekdag. The Human Rights Committee of the Norwegian Bar Association express deep concern regarding the independence of the Turkish Judiciary, the extensive use of emergency decrees, the seemingly arbitrary dismissal of thousands of public servants, along with the Turkish government's criminal persecution of amongst others human rights defenders, journalists, politicians, lawyers, prosecutors and judges.

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Why is it important?

The post-coup development in Turkey gives rise to grave concerns, as summarized in this article.


As a trial observation the mission to Turkey could be considered a failure, as I was together with 14 other international observers denied attendance to both the courtroom and the press conference. However, the denied entrance is in itself a valuable observation. The written statement focuses on and summarizes major international concerns over the post-coup development in Turkey. The Norwegian Bar Association voice our growing concerns in this article.

Maria Hessen Jacobsen
Advokatfirma Alvheim og Hansen ANS

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Observation of the Ankara 16th Penal Court hearing of case against former co-leader of People’s democratic party (HDP) Figen Yuksekdag 4 July 2017, New Journal of European Criminal Law, December 2017, SAGE Publications,
DOI: 10.1177/2032284417743143.
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