What is it about?

Elbow valgus load during pitching is one of the greatest risk factor for baseball pitchers. Our study explains what mechanics increases the elbow valgus torque and how to reduce the risk factor.

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Why is it important?

Our study has provided empirical results of generation of elbow valgus load from the aspect of kinetic chain characteristics. Elbow joint torque was divided into multiple mechanical factors including muscular and interactive torque components using the induced-acceleration analysis (IAA). We think that application of IAA to elbow joint load of baseball pitchers is novel and valuable.


I hope that this article would help readers to have a good opportunity to consider proper baseball pitching mechanics. I hope to contribute to limiting serious throwing-related injuries of talented athletes (e.g. UCL injuries of elbow).

Kozo Naito

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: The effect of multiple segment interaction dynamics on elbow valgus load during baseball pitching, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part P Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, December 2017, SAGE Publications,
DOI: 10.1177/1754337117745239.
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