What is it about?
Engaging students on campus is vital to increasing graduation and retention rates. Involvement in a variety of campus recreation programs can help support this. Indigenous students face traditionally experience more barriers than their non-Indigenous counterparts.
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Why is it important?
Indigenous student enrollment at post-secondary institutions is growing significantly. It is important to identify the unique barriers these students face and support them in their educational journey.
It cannot be overstated that collaboration is crucial when working with minority groups. It is important to begin these conversations with a blank slate rather than programming 'for' this specific group, or any minority group. I'd like to thank the MRU Iniskim Centre for their involvement with writing this piece.
Chad Van Dyk
Mount Royal University
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: The Undeniable Role That Campus Recreation Programs Can Play in Increasing Indigenous Student Engagement and Retention, Recreational Sports Journal, October 2019, SAGE Publications,
DOI: 10.1177/1558866119885191.
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