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This article re-imagines the quantified self within the context of black feminist technologies. Bringing computation and autoethnographic methods together using a method I call computational digital autoethnography, I harvest my social media data to create a corpus for analysis. I apply topic modeling to this data to uncover themes that are connected with broader societal issues affecting African-American women. Applying a computational autoethnographic approach to a researcher's own digitized data allows for yet another dimension of mixed methods research. This radical intervention has the potential to transform the social sciences by bringing together two seemingly divergent methodological approaches in service to black feminist ways of knowing.
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This page is a summary of: Methodological Cyborg as Black Feminist Technology: Constructing the Social Self Using Computational Digital Autoethnography and Social Media, Culture Studies ↔ Critical Methodologies, January 2018, SAGE Publications,
DOI: 10.1177/1532708617750178.
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