What is it about?
There is a widely held belief in the news media that intelligence agencies’ use of journalists as spies, and journalistic cover for their agents in the field, has put the lives of bone fide journalists in danger. The purpose of this paper is to investigate those claims.
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Why is it important?
To encourage intelligence agencies to respect the freedom of the press and do not place journalists in danger
At the heart of the discussion in this paper is the tension between two fundamental rights ― to life (security), and to free speech. If the freedom of the press is an extension of the right to free speech and is meant to be vital to the maintenance of democracy, the misuse of journalism raises ethical questions for the intelligence community who have to justify any diminution of that freedom
Dr Paul Lashmar
City University
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Putting lives in danger? Tinker, tailor, journalist, spy: the use of journalistic cover, Journalism, September 2017, SAGE Publications,
DOI: 10.1177/1464884917724301.
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