What is it about?

Although there is research that indicates financial difficulties among adults with ADHD, little research has examined financial well-being among college students with ADHD. This study explored the relationships between symptoms of ADHD and credit card and student loan debt, expected student loan debt, perceived financial well-being, worries about student loans, and financial strain behaviors among college students. Students with more symptoms of ADHD reported lower financial well-being, but there was no relationship between ADHD symptoms and credit card and student loan debt or expected student loan debt.

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Why is it important?

The results of this study highlight the opportunity for interventions to address current perceived financial well-being and to prevent future financial concerns.

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: The Relationship Between ADHD Symptomatology and Financial Well-Being Among College Students, Journal of Attention Disorders, November 2019, SAGE Publications,
DOI: 10.1177/1087054719887446.
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