What is it about?
This article provides discussion surrounding the qualitative analysis of data that resulted from a series of focus groups, interviews and surveys in 2 case study public libraries, and attempted to better understand the challenges of using volunteers in a public library setting
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Why is it important?
Public libraries are increasingly using volunteers to enhance a service, or indeed to deliver a service. it is vital that we better understand their effective use to ensure that the library service we deliver is of high quality and meets statutory requirements.
Public libraries are at a crucial point in their existence, they have been the brut of austerity cut backs, and their continued existence and usage have been challenged. It is inevitable the increased volunteer use will be a part of the hybrid delivery of this public service, therefore it is vital that we get it right, and try to ensure that the future library service is inclusive, long lasting and of a suitable quality.
Dr Biddy Casselden
Northumbria University
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Keeping the doors open in an age of austerity? Qualitative analysis of stakeholder views on volunteers in public libraries, Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, December 2017, SAGE Publications,
DOI: 10.1177/0961000617743087.
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