What is it about?
The study investigated existing research on media use and self-objectficiation. The findings unmistakably indicate that media use influences the views on our bodies. Instead of focusing on our abilities, personalities and competences, sexualizing media exposure leads to adopting a third-person perspective of the body. This perspective is manifested by chronic attention to one’s own physical appearance, which is defined as self-objectification.
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Why is it important?
Media play a crucial role in exposure to sexualizing images, text, sounds, and experiences. Thus, it is important to investigate how these image influence the media users' perspectives on their bodies.
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Sexualizing Media Use and Self-Objectification, Psychology of Women Quarterly, December 2017, SAGE Publications,
DOI: 10.1177/0361684317743019.
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