What is it about?

The purpose of this longitudinal case study was to investigate the relationship between participation in professional development in Renzulli’s Enrichment Triad Model and one gifted education teacher’s knowledge and practice, with particular attention to differentiated instruction. Findings indicated that professional development increased the participating teacher’s knowledge of gifted education, her attitude toward change, and her repertoire of instructional strategies; however, it did not alter her underlying beliefs or subsequent approaches to gifted education. Timespan and provider support were noted as promoters of effective professional development. Conceptual blocks, teacher characteristics and lack of time were identified as barriers that inhibited professional development–related change with regard to differentiated instruction for learners who have high academic ability.

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Why is it important?

This study is important as it indicates professional-development related change occurs on a continuum ranging from modification of existing practice to a paradigm shift in teachers' regular way of thinking and doing. Assessment of professional development success should then be measured in alignment with the intended change. Also important, this study uncovered teacher characteristics, such as perfectionism, as a barrier to change. Finally, this study calls for further examination of what effective gifted education looks like in practice, particularly with regard to differentiated instruction.


I hope this article makes people think deeply about what good gifted education looks like in practice and the supporting role of professional development in creating environments where students with gifts and talents thrive. It took 3 years to complete this study, including seven months of data collection that involved a series of interviews and observations. It was a labor for love for both the researchers and the classroom teacher.

Dr Carla B Brigandi
West Virginia University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Professional Development and Differentiated Instruction in an Elementary School Pullout Program: A Gifted Education Case Study, journal for the education of the gifted, September 2019, SAGE Publications,
DOI: 10.1177/0162353219874418.
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