What is it about?

In this paper I sustain that in order to reach agreements it is not necessary to coincide in one’s way of life, but rather to clarify from which of these to interact. Agreements can be reached when the parties, even if they do not coincide in their postures and values, but they each trust the needs and interests which become explicit in the argumentation. In this way, Liberal Democracy could renounce its claim to universality and accept the concept of plurality of ways of life.

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Why is it important?

The relevance of this article is to suggest that an epistemological and ontological pluralist perspective on intercultural relations may enable human beings to cooperate each other and live with less injustice. Moreover, intercultural cooperation may help for a reformulation of the Human rights in order to consider important aspects of different ways of life like the variations of moral, political and judicial norms.


I definitely sustain that some communities do not have to agree to live in the same moral world as others, but, that it is indeed necessary to know each other’s differences so as to be able to respect them.

Dr. Mónica Gómez Salazar
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Normative Pluralism, Contemporary Pragmatism, December 2016, Brill,
DOI: 10.1163/18758185-01304003.
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