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A systematic review was carried out to prepare a checklist of the mammalian species of northeastern India. The region is located between two prominent biodiversity hotspots, Himalaya and Indo-Burma. Though it is only 8% of the country, it supports almost half of the country’s total wild flora and fauna. Ongoing developmental activities such as the construction of roads, electrification, and mining in and around the wildlife habitats have threatened the survival of many species of wildlife. A lot of literature has been checked to understand the status and distribution of wildlife in the region and the present manuscript is prepared from existing literature. A total of 267 species representing 11 orders and 38 families from the region have been reported. A state-wise updated list of species along with their status as per IUCN, WPA (Wildlife Protection Act) of India, 1972 and CITES has been provided which is intended to serve as a baseline data for further research in mammalian fauna of the region.

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Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Mammals of northeastern India: an updated checklist, Journal of Threatened Taxa, April 2021, Wildlife Information Liaison Development Society,
DOI: 10.11609/jott.6010.13.4.18059-18098.
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