What is it about?
This paper presents the most effective problems presents in solar photovoltaic systems in recent days. The common mode voltage is the major issue which causing circulating currents leads to minimized efficiency of the PV systems. In this article the possible reason for that and best remedies to control them has provided in detailed analysis of the system.
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Why is it important?
Instead of focusing on the hardware changes to the system to avoid the common mode voltage in this paper better pulse width modulation techniques had proposed. It is observed that PWM techniques are effective in controlling the Common mode voltage in PV system is clearly shown in the paper. A detailed performance analysis has shown
Now a days Solar is the best renewable energy to harvest and produce the required electricity in spite of its cons. It is really important to do conduct research on Solar PV systems to increase the efficiency of the system and its connected grid.
Mr muddasani satyanarayana
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Analysis and Design of Solar Photo voltaic Grid Connected Inverter, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI), December 2015, Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science,
DOI: 10.11591/ijeei.v3i4.174.
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