What is it about?

The uniform rigidity ring model is commonly used to design the segmented structures of shield tunnels. However, model tests havebeenprimarilyusedtostudythetransverseeffectiverigidityratioηwithaconcentratedforce,whichisnotablydifferentfrom realisticloadingpatterns.Toobtainmorereasonableηvalues,inthisstudy,testswereperformedwithaconcentratedloadonan experimental bench and with a realistic loading pattern in sandy soil in a rigid steel tank. Three types of segmental ring models were designed and tested: straight-jointed, stagger-jointed, and uniform rings. The test results indicated that the η values of the stagger-jointedassemblymodewereclearlylargerthanthoseofthestraight-jointedassemblymodeunderbothloadingpatterns.η increased as the load increased under the realistic loading conditions, whereas η decreased as the load increased under the concentratedload.Moreimportantly,theηvaluesderivedfromtherealisticloadtestswereconsiderablylargerthanthosederived fromtheconcentratedloadtestsforbothassemblymodes(i.e.,0.423–0.672and0.587–0.761forthestraight-jointedandstaggerjointed assembly modes, respectively), and the former should be recommended for practical engineering applications. Furthermore, formulas relating η to the ratio of the cover depth to the tunnel diameter were proposed for sandy soil.

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Why is it important?

The uniform rigidity ring model is commonly used to design the segmented structures of shield tunnels. However, model tests havebeenprimarilyusedtostudythetransverseeffectiverigidityratioηwithaconcentratedforce,whichisnotablydifferentfrom realisticloadingpatterns.Toobtainmorereasonableηvalues,inthisstudy,testswereperformedwithaconcentratedloadonan experimental bench and with a realistic loading pattern in sandy soil in a rigid steel tank. Three types of segmental ring models were designed and tested: straight-jointed, stagger-jointed, and uniform rings. The test results indicated that the η values of the stagger-jointedassemblymodewereclearlylargerthanthoseofthestraight-jointedassemblymodeunderbothloadingpatterns.η increased as the load increased under the realistic loading conditions, whereas η decreased as the load increased under the concentratedload.Moreimportantly,theηvaluesderivedfromtherealisticloadtestswereconsiderablylargerthanthosederived fromtheconcentratedloadtestsforbothassemblymodes(i.e.,0.423–0.672and0.587–0.761forthestraight-jointedandstaggerjointed assembly modes, respectively), and the former should be recommended for practical engineering applications. Furthermore, formulas relating η to the ratio of the cover depth to the tunnel diameter were proposed for sandy soil.

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Experimental Research on the Transverse Effective Bending Rigidity of Shield Tunnels, Advances in Civil Engineering, November 2019, Hindawi Publishing Corporation,
DOI: 10.1155/2019/2174562.
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