What is it about?

People write for people: Writing is inherently social, yet writers often lack real-time feedback from their intended audience. To support writers, this paper introduces the concept of ‘AI Personas for On-Demand Feedback.’ Through our new text editor system, Impressona, writers receive feedback from various perspectives on how they define themselves by creating personas of their target reader groups.

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Why is it important?

Our research introduces a new way for writers to get feedback using AI personas. This is important because it helps writers connect better with their readers by getting real-time, targeted feedback. Writers can create custom personas, like a "strict professor" or a "friendly colleague," to receive feedback from different perspectives. This makes their writing more effective and engaging for their audiences. Our studies show that writers value this feedback, finding it useful and insightful. However, there are challenges, such as defining personas accurately and managing feedback length. We also highlight the need to be careful about biases in AI feedback. Overall, our work suggests a new direction for AI writing tools, focusing on the relationship between writers and readers. This approach shows how writing assistants can help us connect with our audience during our writing process, making it a timely and important development in content creation.


Beyond the specific system and study, this work calls for a shift in our approach to designing AI-driven writing tools: Instead of designing for human-AI interaction, we should consider a broader socio-technical perspective, that is, designing with the writer-reader relationship in mind. This expanded perspective acknowledges the impact of AI on both writers and readers, providing a more comprehensive approach to design. One of the key insights is the newfound agency given to writers, allowing them to define and refine personas to meet their specific needs. This questions how personas can evolve, adapting to writers’ changing preferences and requirements. Looking ahead, it challenges us to delve deeper into understanding how AI personas can support writers and facilitate connections between writers and readers, transcending traditional writing and publication processes and tools.

Karim Benharrak
University of Texas at Austin

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Writer-Defined AI Personas for On-Demand Feedback Generation, May 2024, ACM (Association for Computing Machinery),
DOI: 10.1145/3613904.3642406.
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