What is it about?
Sri Lankan government has taken a policy decision to teacher AI in schools from 2025. This raises the important question whether the ICT teacher workforce of the country is ready to teach this subject. This study assesses their readiness using the self-efficacy theory as the foundation.
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Why is it important?
The study informs the policymakers about the teacher upskilling needs. Moreover, it helps the researchers and policymakers of other countries with similar initiatives.
This article opens up an avenue to look at ICT teacher upskilling from a complex systems perspective. The ultimate objective is to develop a computational model of the ICT teacher training system for AI as a policy support tool.
Chathura Rajapakse
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: A Self-Efficacy Theory-based Study on the Teachers’ Readiness to Teach Artificial Intelligence in Public Schools in Sri Lanka, Digital Threats Research and Practice, September 2024, ACM (Association for Computing Machinery),
DOI: 10.1145/3691354.
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