What is it about?

Students were able to take online and in-class courses during the pandemic. Which mode did they prefer? Was there a difference between the learning satisfaction levels of STEM and humanities students? Did they have enough facilities at home for online learning? How did they cope with stress? This paper highlights some important factors that affected their learning satisfaction using explainable AI, leading to the discovery of several student profiles.

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Why is it important?

Online learning is here to stay. By understanding what makes certain groups of students less satisfied than others, we can tailor teaching strategies that can help them learn more effectively.


This work came about from my own curiosity as an educator – I've always wondered what made students enjoy learning more, especially when things got tough. I hope it resonates with some of you who might also be interested in more effective learning.

Gayathri Nadarajan
Sungkyunkwan University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Exploring Factors Affecting Student Learning Satisfaction during COVID-19 in South Korea, June 2024, ACM (Association for Computing Machinery),
DOI: 10.1145/3678392.3678406.
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