What is it about?

Researchers have developed tools for remote mental health support, but most focus on clinician-patient interactions. Everyday communication channels like phone calls and social media offer low-cost, accessible support between peers. This study explores AlarmCare, a new tool using peer-created alarms for daily mental health support.

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Why is it important?

This study explored how mobile alarms can serve as a supportive communication channel between peers, revealing that they elicit various positive emotions and can help reduce depressive emotions. The findings suggest that mobile alarms, a commonly used application, could be developed into a targeted mental health support tool integrated into daily life.


It also demonstrated to us the importance of social support in preventing mental health disorders such as depression and the low-cost, high-quality emotional assistance of digital system like alarm used in this study.

Seongsoo Kim
Chungnam National University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: AlarmCare: Exploring Mobile Alarm as a Supportive Communication Channel Between Peers, October 2024, ACM (Association for Computing Machinery),
DOI: 10.1145/3675094.3677594.
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