What is it about?

Muscle fatigue represents a complex physiological and psychological phenomenon that impairs physical performance and increases the risks of injury. It is important to continuously monitor fatigue levels for early detection and management of fatigue. The detection and classification of muscle fatigue also provide important information in human-computer interactions (HMI), sports injuries and performance, ergonomics, and prosthetic control. With this purpose in mind, this review first provides an overview of the mechanisms of muscle fatigue and its biomarkers, and further enumerates various non-invasive techniques commonly used for muscle fatigue monitoring and detection in the literature, including electromyogram (EMG), which records the muscle electrical activity during muscle contractions, mechanomyogram (MMG), which records vibration signals of muscle fibers, near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), which measures the amount of oxygen in the muscle, ultrasound (US), which records signals of muscle deformation during muscle contractions. This review also introduces the principle and mechanism, parameters used for fatigue detection, application in fatigue detection, and advantages and disadvantages of each technology in detail. To conclude, the limitations/challenges that need to be addressed for future research in this area are presented.

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Why is it important?

With the development of various non-invasive monitoring technologies, there is an increasing range of choices available for fatigue monitoring. To provide references for researchers in the field of muscle fatigue and helpful tools for readers who want to identify the most appropriate methods to apply in clinical diagnosis, sports science research, as well as hardware implementation, and end-user applications, this review provides an overview of the most commonly used non-invasive techniques for muscle fatigue monitoring and detection in the literature.


I hope this article can provide reference for scholars in the field of muscle fatigue.

Na Li
West China Hospital of Sichuan University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Non-invasive Techniques for Muscle Fatigue Monitoring: A Comprehensive Survey, ACM Computing Surveys, February 2024, ACM (Association for Computing Machinery),
DOI: 10.1145/3648679.
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