What is it about?

Investigating empathy towards opposing opinions in a multiplayer VR PC game, where players can become engineers, activists and politicians involved in a historical events. Based on a real story about nuclear power plant Zwentendorf in Austria, which was built, but never operated.

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Why is it important?

Offers an insight in a computer game in a art gallery setting, how it was made, key game mechanics with custom made physical interfaces to ease access, audio recordings of actual players and written excerpts showing how empathy can be built thanks to computer games. Offers an insight how willing are people to cooperate and explore, showing graph of how many times people succeeded, failed, or interacted in any way.


I hope this helps people to have more trusts towards new media in gallery settings, as it can offer meaningful opportunities to enhance our social relationships and do and feel things which would be much more difficult without it.

Vojtěch Radakulan
czech technical university faculty of electrical engineering

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: The Most Expensive Museum in the World: Three Player Cooperative Game Between VR and PC Platforms Investigating Empathy between Players and Historical Characters., December 2023, ACM (Association for Computing Machinery),
DOI: 10.1145/3610591.3616425.
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