What is it about?

The gene deletions in the genome of T. maritima have been reported however the mechanism of this event has remained unknown. In the current study we induced gene deletion in Thermotoga maritima through the laboratory evolution studies. A 10-kb gene deletion in the resultant strain occurred due to the presence of flanking direct repeats. Fully assembled and annotated genome is available through the NCBI website.

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Why is it important?

Identification of the components that make genome unstable are crucial to predict the future evolution and phenotype. Their identification also contributes to a better understanding of genome instability in this organism.

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Complete Genome Sequence of an Evolved Thermotoga maritima Isolate, Genome Announcements, May 2015, ASM Journals,
DOI: 10.1128/genomea.00557-15.
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