What is it about?

Christological perichoresis supports the idea that the whole creation is included in God’s recreated cosmos, in response to the redeeming power of Christ who became flesh and, entered the web of life as a creature. Trinitarian relationships bear an Christological message for intentional openness towards the ‘other.’ Thus I realize Christ’s ‘cosmic’ role in the salvation of the entire cosmos.

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Why is it important?

An ecological approach to the Bible shows that Jesus’ life, healings, miracles; engagement with animals are seeds of new creation. The word for Adam from adamah-earth assumes a kinship of earth and humans. The inclusion of animals in sabbatical rest, restrictions on the use of mammals, the blood mammals share with us limit our rights to the lives of other beings. Humans are not the apex of creation but members in the ecosystems.


I make my case for an Christological perichoresis as an evolutionary step further in the direction of ecofeminist theology. God is present in all things by virtue of their being created and of their being members of the ecosystems.

Dr Ioanna Sahinidou
GEC Greek Evangelical Church

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Searching for a Biblical Worldview: From an Ecofeminist Theological Perspective, International Journal of Social Science Studies, August 2015, Redfame Publishing,
DOI: 10.11114/ijsss.v3i5.1003.
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