What is it about?

This article is about the materiality of photographs and the way images become social objects that help explain the relationship between people and the relationship between people and spaces. I use the method called Photovoice to explore how women migrants use photographs to tell stories about their lives in the city

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Why is it important?

Migrant women porters are essential to transportation in Accra, Ghana but are often overlooked as important contributors in public settings.


My goal is that this article adds visual and analytical complexity to an ethnographic understanding of markets as a central site of women's power in Africa.

Dr. Laurian Bowles
Davidson College

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Doing the Snap: Storytelling and Participatory Photography with Women Porters in Ghana, November 2017, Wiley,
DOI: 10.1111/var.12129.
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