What is it about?
The paper offers together an overview of Wittgenstein's discussion of music in the Investigations and an original perspective on the semantic dimension of music that questions its supposed rule-governed character. It also hints at a general understanding of Wittgenstein's philosophy as a whole
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Why is it important?
The paper aims to revive the debate on the nature of music by proposing a fresh reading of Wittgenstein's take on the matter. It might be interesting both for Wittgenstein's scholars and philosophers of music
This article is the first coming out my PhD thesis, where I outline a general interpretation of Witgenstein's philosophy. More to come soon!
Marco Marchesin
University of East Anglia
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Wittgenstein's Account of Music and its Comparison to Language: Understanding, Experience and Rules, Philosophical Investigations, February 2022, Wiley,
DOI: 10.1111/phin.12342.
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