What is it about?
Healthcare delivery services in New Zealand have a responsibility under the Treaty of Waitangi to ensure the needs of Māori are met and their experiences in acute services are positive. This study explored feedback survey data to understand what Māori experiences have been and what is important to them when entering acute inpatient health services.
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Why is it important?
Findings showed that more work is required to refine the current model of care to align with Māori concepts of wellness that are centered around making connections with others, family, and being treated with care, kindness and respect. The relational aspects of healthcare should be considered in practice before the presenting complaint.
Nursing practice has changed since I started practicing 20 years ago, and we have shifted from person-centered care to task focused care. I am passionate about reigniting person-centered care in acute service delivery. It is also an opportunity to reinstate cultural safety as fundamental in nursing practice. Finally, inequities continue to plague our healthcare system, and Māori in particular are the recipients of inequitable healthcare. We need to research to understand the reasons, then act on our findings to rectify the issues.
Mrs Bobbie-Jo Pene
Counties Manukau District Health Board
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Indigenous Māori experiences of fundamental care delivery in an acute inpatient setting: A qualitative analysis of feedback survey data, Journal of Clinical Nursing, December 2021, Wiley,
DOI: 10.1111/jocn.16158.
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