What is it about?
A review of the literature regarding lip repositioning techniques and results. The search revealed many case studies and limited series that had no consistent protocol for the technique. The results were fairly similar resulting in an average of 3.8mm of reduction of Excess Gingival Display.
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Why is it important?
When clinicians are proposing this treatment to patients, it is important for them to know which technique and the expected result. This review confirms that clinical trials are needed to compare techniques to determine the superior result. Etiology of the excessive gingival display may also play a role in success. This review exposes the deficiency in the literature regarding this surgical treatment and begs for clinical trials to answer the questions.
This is the introductory paper for the multi-centered clinical trial underway comparing two surgical techniques for the reduction of excess gingival display. The need is obvious and the trial is answering the questions of etiology and technique. Another trial is starting that supplements the surgical technique and provides a minimally invasive alternative for those unwilling to undergo surgery. The results will give a clear algorithm for clinicians to help their patients make an informed decision.
Mark Brunner
Augusta Health
With the ever increasing aesthetic demands and the increasing popularity of lip repositioning , as clinicians we felt a need to find answers. Answers to questions of effectiveness, longevity and technique. We hope this collaboration helps to shed some light on this procedure, the gaps in knowledge and what today's literature has to offer.
Omnia Tawfik
Cairo University
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Lip repositioning for the treatment of excess gingival display: A systematic review, Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry, November 2017, Wiley,
DOI: 10.1111/jerd.12352.
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