What is it about?
This study was performed to investigate the effects of arabinoxylans on Chinese noodles quality. Unmodified arabinoxylans (UAX) and modified arabinoxylans (MAX) were added to wheat flour at 0.25–2.0%(w/w), and noodle samples were evaluated in terms of colour, free sulfhydryl groups, disulphide bond, water, texture properties and cooking characteristics. As the amounts of arabinoxylans increased, dough sheet became darker, and the texture of the cooked noodles increased and then deteriorated after 1% of arabinoxylans addition. The content of free sulfhydryl groups fluctuated and decreased by 15.4% and by 19.3% after the addition of 0.5% of UAX and MAX, respectively. The relaxation time T2 decreased with increased amounts of arabinoxylans. Generally, the water absorption increased and cooking loss rate decreased up to 1.0% of arabinoxylan addition. Our results confirm that using 0.25–1.0% arabinoxylans in wheat flour, it was possible to increase both the nutrition and quality of Chinese noodles.
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Why is it important?
There is little information and nodetailed studies on the effect of adding arabinoxylans in the production of Chinese noodles. In addition, it can be assumed that arabinoxylans with different molecular weight may have different effects on quality noodles due to the difference in structure and physicochemical properties. However, the information about this is scare.
The results indicated that noodle is the right type to be selected for enrichment with arabinoxylans. However, the supplement of arabinoxylans was relatively low. We deduced that arabinoxylan addition led to cross-linking of proteins and arabinoxylans.
Sen Ma
Henan University of Technology
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Improvement of Chinese noodle quality by supplementation with arabinoxylans from wheat bran, International Journal of Food Science & Technology, February 2016, Wiley,
DOI: 10.1111/ijfs.13042.
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