What is it about?
Considering the geopolitical changes in the six Western Balkan countries over the last three decades, particularly as it concerns the progress and changes in the healthcare systems, we argue that there is a need for a detailed analysis of people's trust in those healthcare systems and healthcare providers.
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Why is it important?
Citizens in the Western Balkans have a low level of trust in their healthcare system (X̄ = 4.3/10). Medical doctors working in private healthcare institutions, on the other hand, are afforded a higher level of trust (X̄ = 6.6/10) than those working in public healthcare institutions (X̄ = 5.7/10).
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: (Dis)trust in doctors and public and private healthcare institutions in the Western Balkans, Health Expectations, July 2022, Wiley,
DOI: 10.1111/hex.13562.
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