What is it about?

This paper explores the causal relation between intermarriage and cultural integration of non-Han migrants in urban China. We have shown that intermarriage promotes the cultural integration of non-Han migrants. This is because intermarriage has a positive impact on social interaction of non-Han migrants, thus enhancing their cultural integration.

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Why is it important?

In 2020, China's floating population is 376 million, among which, non-Han migrants accounting for about 9%. Motivated by this context, we constructed a novel instrumental variable - historical intermarriage ratio to identify the causal relation between intermarriage and cultural integration of non-Han migrants. We also come up with a new mechanism, i.e., social interaction to interpret the benchmark conclusion that intermarriage improves cultural integration of non-Han migrants.


I hope this article links people focusing on integration of migrants to people paying attention to intermarriage of ethnic minority. This is kind of interesting and maybe even exciting. Because whether, and the reason why intermarriage impacts non-Han migrants' cultural integration is not just a problem for politicians, social and economic researchers to worry about - It is an social issue that touches every single human since everyone must belong to a certain ethnic group. When choosing a spouse, he/she inevitably faces the choice of the spouse ethnic identity.

Zerong Wang
Southwestern University of Finance and Economics

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Cultural integration among non‐Han migrants in urban China: To what extent does intermarriage matter?, Growth and Change, June 2021, Wiley,
DOI: 10.1111/grow.12500.
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