What is it about?
Paper asks if migrant remittances are helpful in increasing the capacity of the government to provide social protection.
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Why is it important?
The importance of this question lies in the impact of these remittances on the fiscal space. Remittances can serve as a private substitute or complement to the public social protection system. This in turn has implication for the conduct of fiscal policy.
In addition to the above empirical evidence that remittances serve as a private social protection system, the contribution of the paper lies in providing a survey of the different theories underlying social protection.
Professor Wasseem Mina
United Arab Emirates University
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Diaspora and government welfare spending: Do migrant remittances increase public social protection?, Economic Notes, April 2019, Wiley,
DOI: 10.1111/ecno.12141.
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