What is it about?
The research links the particular field of Romani Studies to wider developments in the social sciences, and especially to global debates on insecure/informal housing and (neo‐)ghettoisation, by ascertaining how Roma people's personal attachment to place functions as a basis for their everyday activities in the ghetto and surrounding area(s). The analysis is based on a participatory action research (PAR) process carried out in Szeged, Hungary, with local scholar–activists, Roma representatives and Roma families living in local segregated spaces.
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Why is it important?
This research is important because existing place attachment to segregated Roma communities as a living environment is a contradictory situation for the affected Roma, which is characterised by “dual bonds”: traditional relationships based on strong bonding capital and reciprocity still exist and represent significant material and emotional support for families and the places they inhabit, while at the same time communities are becoming more fragmented, with the most marginalised often being excluded from this “net of space protection”.
The findings suggest that the world of Roma in segregated neighbourhoods is characterised by a strong feeling of place attachment fundamentally shaped by social relations and the features of those neighbourhoods, but certain centripetal forces alienate inhabitants from these spaces.
Dr Remus Cretan
west university of Timisoara
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Urban Roma, segregation and place attachment in Szeged, Hungary, Area, April 2018, Wiley,
DOI: 10.1111/area.12426.
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