What is it about?
Management support is key to quality achievement in printing industry. Management is required to commit time and resources, champion quality and guide printing operations with a policy for doing things right first time and all the time.
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Why is it important?
The Ghanaian printing industry can ensure better organizational performance by considering the kind of leadership style exhibited in the firm and develop quality policy to guides printing operations and activities. No matter the level of commitment of organizational resources, if it is not back by a good leadership style and a quality policy, TQM initiative will not yield the intended result.
TQM initiatives requires managers to champion it, if quality achievement is the ultimate focus.
Mr Nicholas Kingsley Graham
Pentecost University College
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Managerial role in ensuring successful total quality management programme in Ghanaian printing firms, The TQM Journal, August 2014, Emerald,
DOI: 10.1108/tqm-01-2012-0009.
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