What is it about?

The purpose of this paper is to report on how a grade level team in a Singapore primary school used lesson study to mediate the implementation of the English language national curriculum. It aims to explore how this process had mobilised different teachers’ knowledge, challenged their beliefs of teaching and student learning, and created impact on their learning and knowledge.

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Why is it important?

This study provides an illustrative case on how teachers’ talk about work practices in lesson study mediated teacher learning in a group context. The study established the importance of an interconnected view of teacher interaction in lesson study that factored in the consideration of the influences at the teachers’ level and at the school’s level that enabled and/ or impeded a broader consideration of practice and richer conditions for the mentoring of novice teachers in the team.


The paper which is part of my larger doctoral study of two Singapore primary schools demonstrates the value of teachers engaging in research from the perspective of lesson study inquiry.

Rachel GOH

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Improving English language teaching through lesson study, International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, April 2017, Emerald,
DOI: 10.1108/ijlls-11-2015-0037.
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