What is it about?
Public Finance Initiative types of private public partnerships are where governments or public agencies form commercial partnerships with private companies to build and/or operate facilities or services. Both public and private organisations use for many different reasons, which are discussed in the paper. However, the paper suggests that the reasons cited for such partnerships are sometimes based on misconceptions or misunderstandings.
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Why is it important?
Public Finance Initiative types of private public partnerships have grown at a huge rate across the globe in recent decades. Their efficiency and effectiveness are important for current public services, but also for the ability of government to fund services and facilities in the future.
While there are many advantages and disadvantages of such types of private public partnerships, we must be transparent and explicitly aware of them so that effective partnerships can be set up from the start and future problems can be avoided as much as possible.
Professor Emeritus Ronald McQuaid
University of Stirling
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Factors and “illusions” influencing the choice of PFI-type public private partnerships, World Journal of Entrepreneurship Management and Sustainable Development, October 2019, Emerald,
DOI: 10.1108/wjemsd-07-2018-0066.
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