What is it about?

Starting a new job is always hard. Wise interventions are a powerful tool for managers who want to ensure their newest team members are supported through the transition. Our work suggests that managers who acknowledge the difficulty of a transition and participate in planning for it will increase the engagement of new team members substantially.

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Why is it important?

Ensuring new hires feel they belong at an organization can dramatically boost retention and engagement. This simple, low-cost intervention is easy to implement and likely to yield significant positive outcomes.


I was so pleased to participate in the research described here. We demonstrated that statistically significant improvements in belonging and employee satisfaction can arise from a simple, low-cost intervention. It's a great example of data-driven decision making that guides impactful initiatives to help people thrive in the workplace.

Shuba Gopal
Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Extend that “job honeymoon:” acknowledging it is hard to start a job can help, Strategic HR Review, June 2023, Emerald,
DOI: 10.1108/shr-11-2022-0064.
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