What is it about?

Sensory approaches can be used to help with managing symptoms of psychological trauma. We explore the use of sensory approaches with service-usersWe are within the National High Secure Healthcare Service for Women. We report the benefits and challenges to using these in a forensic setting.

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Why is it important?

This paper offers a unique contribution to the current literature with its focus on using sensory approaches to ameliorate trauma symptoms, in the context of a forensic setting.


We have been using sensory approaches in our service for quite some time and feel passionate about their value, so it has been a really interesting process obtaining feedback from the women we work with and we are excited about sharing this!

Dawn Wilkinson

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Helping with the pressures of the past: service-user perspectives of the sensory approaches within the National High Secure Healthcare Service for Women, Mental Health Review Journal, September 2021, Emerald,
DOI: 10.1108/mhrj-12-2020-0091.
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