What is it about?

Success in construction and disaster reconstruction projects have been largely biased to metrics set by project participants, with minimal input from project beneficiaries. It is therefore important to elicit and incorporate end-users expectation indicators in project planning, that goes beyond the traditional time, cost and quality metrics.

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Why is it important?

Most often, normal and reconstruction projects' success are measured by completion within time and budget. However, recent demands of the community members and environmental agencies, etc... have added to the traditional (time, cost and quality) success criteria. Consequently, factors that these 'end-users' apply in their assessment, such as satisfaction and sustainability, need to be mainstreamed and uptake in project planning, design and execution.


It is my desire that project developers will seriously considers the expections of the average project end-user, and this paper can assist with guiding this essential practice for comprehensive stakeholder involvement.

Dr. Shawn H. Charles
University of Auckland

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: What do post-disaster reconstruction project success indicators look like? End-user’s perspectives, International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, March 2021, Emerald,
DOI: 10.1108/ijdrbe-11-2020-0112.
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