What is it about?
People sometimes think a drink tastes better and is healthier when it is packaged in vibrant, saturated colors than muted, less saturated colors. We show that this happens especially if the color of the package is the same as that of the product ingredient (like orange juice in an orange package).
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Photo by Franki Chamaki on Unsplash
Why is it important?
Many people want to buy drinks that are both tasty and healthy. To decide which drinks to buy, they often look at the package. Our study helps marketers to design packages that make drinks look both healthy and tasty to consumers.
This article shows how a small details like package color matter in how people think about products and their buying decisions. But the aim of the study is not to manipulate people, but rather to help them choose healthy products. We do so by telling marketers how they can design healthy products in a way that consumers also find them attractive and tasty.
Sonja Kunz
Universitat Wien
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: How can health look tasty? Effects of packaging color saturation on beverage health and taste expectations depend on color match, British Food Journal, December 2024, Emerald,
DOI: 10.1108/bfj-06-2024-0651.
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