What is it about?
International teaching placements are offered to students in many Initial Teacher Education institutions. The outcomes for preservice teachers in these international settings are widely researched and debated, but few studies focus on the experience of the receiving side. This article investigates outcomes for Indian cooperating teachers in eight schools after receiving cohorts of Norwegian preservice teachers on placement over a period of twenty years.
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Why is it important?
Research on international teaching placements has until now been dominated by a focus on the personal and professional development of students, and what they bring with them “back home”. This study has tried to address a gap in the research literature by focusing on the outcomes of the teachers that receive and supervise these foreign students, in a meeting between widely different school cultures and traditions.
Based on the perspectives of the teachers in our study, we could attempt to make some suggestions for enhancing outcomes – both in terms of pedagogical ideas and cultural exchange.
Knut Duesund
Hogskolen i Sorost-Norge
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Outcomes from international teaching placements – what’s in it for the receiving side? A case of Norwegian preservice teachers in Indian schools, Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, October 2019, Taylor & Francis,
DOI: 10.1080/1359866x.2019.1680954.
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