What is it about?

In what ways students' learning styles may influence their learning in the blended classrooms? What is the relationship between learning styles and disciplines? This study provides possible responses to these two questions.

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Why is it important?

The results suggest that there is a positive significant correlation between the Kinesthetic learning style and each of the three presences of the CoI Framework for the soft-applied discipline. In comparison, for the soft-pure and hard-pure disciplines, there are no significant correlations between the learning styles and the CoI presences. This study represents a milestone in that it emphasises the significance of learning styles in the CoI Framework, in contrast to other studies that have investigated only the relationships between learning styles and instructional methods.


I hope this article will give the readers an insight into blended learning in the Asian context, particularly in Malaysia. It was conducted in different academic environments ranging from an offshore campus to a University College of Hospitality.

Dr Chan Chang-Tik
Monash University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Impact of learning styles on the community of inquiry presences in multi-disciplinary blended learning environments, Interactive Learning Environments, December 2017, Taylor & Francis,
DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2017.1419495.
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