What is it about?
The prepared lignin from black liquor of bagasse was added to PVA/Gelatin blends and subjected to different gamma irradiation doses. PVA/Gelatin lignin blends were characterized. The results show the antibacterial activity of the blends containing lignin demonstrating a significantly enhanced inhibitory effect against two Gram-positive bacteria; B. subtilis, S. aureus, and two Gram- negative bacterial strains; E. coli, P. aeruginosa compared to that do not include lignin as a control. The four pathogenic bacterial strains causing food contamination and hospital human sever diseases. Functional materials; as lignin, that can both precisely and conveniently improve food quality and increase food storage period would afford significant benefits
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Why is it important?
Lignin one of the most environmental eco-friendly agro wastes employed as strengthening features as a replacement for artificial substances. This study aims to look at the potential use of lignin-derived compounds to combat microbial contaminations in human food advising the opportunity to apply lignin for food-packaging.
Lignin has important features as is approximately low-priced and almost available. the most environmental eco-friendly agro wastes employed as strengthening features as a replacement for artificial substances to gain extra bio-degradable composites
Rasha Fathy
Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Polyvinyl alcohol/gelatin irradiated blends filled by lignin as green filler for antimicrobial packaging materials, International Journal of Environmental & Analytical Chemistry, September 2019, Taylor & Francis,
DOI: 10.1080/03067319.2019.1657108.
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