What is it about?
This paper (chapter in a book on global university-industry-government links) looks at the issue of university autonomy in Japan, via a very specific case study.
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Why is it important?
To the west, the way Japan works -- including its universities -- remains somewhat opaque. We hope this paper provides at least one glimpse into the issue, for the English-reading world.
Those interested in Japan in particular should contact the first author, Dr. Yukiko Yamaguchi, at Saga University, Kyushu, Japan. Those interested in the issues of global university-industry-government links in general should contact one of the editors of the book, Dr. Romeo V. Turcan of Aalborg University, Denmark.
Dr Nikhilesh Dholakia
University of Rhode Island
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Industry-Academia-Government Cooperation in Japan: The Pivotal Role of the University and Implications for Autonomy, January 2016, Nature,
DOI: 10.1057/9781137388728_12.
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