What is it about?

Joint link and power allocation can coordinate the interference between D2D pairs and cellular users. Moreover, the social tie information affects the devotion willingness of cellular users. This paper investigates the problem of the interference coordination, where the BS prices the interfernce on each cellular link based on the social aware interfernce tolerance temperature (SAITT) and D2D pairs compete for the links.

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Why is it important?

Firstly, the joint optimazation of link and power allocation can achieve much better performance. Seconly, the interference tolerance temperature of cellular users is distinguished through the social tie information between cellular users and D2D pairs, which is much more consistent with the practical scenarios.


Writing this article was a great pleasure as it has co-authors with whom I have had long standing collaborations. This article provides an efficient method to coordinate the interference between cellular users and D2D pairs, when combining the physical and social information.

Lianxin Yang
Institute of Communications and Engineering, Army Engineering University of PLA

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Social aware joint link and power allocation for D2D communication underlaying cellular networks , IET Communications, August 2017, the Institution of Engineering and Technology (the IET),
DOI: 10.1049/iet-com.2017.0242.
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