What is it about?

In the limited space environment, the OoB emission of high-powerphasedarrayradarswillaffectothercommunicationsystems. In considering of the problem that the co-site communication equipment is interfered by the OoB emission of phased array radar. Thefrequency-domainandtime-domainmodellingoftheOoBemissioninterferenceofPLFMradarareconductedinthispaper,thenthe accuracyofthemodelisverifiedthroughsimulationandexperiment.

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Why is it important?

Ideally, the OoB emission of the PLFM radar far from the dominant frequency will decay and be lower than the level of spurious emission. Especially in the field of civil communication which is extremely short of channel resources, the level of OoB emission tends to be severely restricted. However, due to their wide operating frequency band and their demand for a further detection range of the phased array radar, it is often difficult to withstand the dominant frequency insertion loss caused by the suppression of OoB emission .


This paper will help readers to understand an extended model of Out-of-Band Emission Modeling!

National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Vessel Integrated Power System

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Out-of-band Emission Modelling of High-power Pulse Linear Frequency Modulation Radar, IET Radar Sonar & Navigation, January 2020, the Institution of Engineering and Technology (the IET),
DOI: 10.1049/iet-rsn.2019.0454.
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