What is it about?

Titanium dioxide is a well-known semi-conductor which has been widely explored by researchers for water cleansing property,cosmetics,food industry and etc. The idea of this work mainly focused on synthesizing ultrafine nanowires using Titanium Dioxide. The second part of this study focused on antimicrobial property of titanium nanowires against gram positive and gram negative bacterial strains.

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Why is it important?

We defined the optimized protocol to synthesis Titanium nanowires. Several parameters have been tested and studied in this work in order to compare the morphological arrangement of nanowires. This is important in biomedical science, to combat the microbial colonization in biomedical devices.


This paper has provided me a huge experience as this was my first scientific publication and collaboration with a group of co-authors from Monash University,Malaysia. This article covers a wide scope about Titanium Dioxide nanowires and its function in preventing bacterial infections. I hope this work will be explored more in future to fight antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Thivyah Munisparan
Monash University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Optimisation of preparation conditions for Ti nanowires and suitability as an antibacterial material , IET Nanobiotechnology, December 2017, the Institution of Engineering and Technology (the IET),
DOI: 10.1049/iet-nbt.2017.0186.
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