What is it about?
The work attempts to highlight the issue of reliable operation of grid-connected sustainable generation systems. Grid-connected sustainable energy generators composed of more than one power sources is an accepted philosophy. However, the occurrence of unpredictable grid faults hampers the effective operation of such systems. Moreover, if the generation from renewable energy systems is in MW level and an area is hugely dependent on its power demand on such renewable energy systems, then the disconnection of these renewable energy generators during grid faults is not permissible. The paper presents a simple yet effective approach to model low voltage ride through (LVRT) capability in a grid-connected sustainable energy source consisting of Wind and Fuel cell-based energy sources. Fuzzy logic control along with a novel feed-forward based inverter current controller is designed to achieve the LVRT capabilities in the system like the controlled dc-link overvoltage, power oscillations, and limited negative sequence current.
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Why is it important?
An interesting and simple approach to LVRT technique to a hybrid grid-connected sustainable generation system. Fewer computations in the inverter control algorithm.
A mixture of linear and non-linear control approach to a grid-connected micro-grids.
Amit Kumar Roy
Thapar University
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Low voltage ride through capability enhancement in a grid-connected wind/fuel cell hybrid system via combined feed-forward and fuzzy logic control, IET Generation Transmission & Distribution, April 2019, the Institution of Engineering and Technology (the IET),
DOI: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2019.0021.
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