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Regaining memory skills after traumatic brain injury (TBI) is addressed in a variety of rehabilitation programs, but outcomes are not certain. The cases of two individuals with TBI are examined here, but each one underwent a different type of memory treatment. The person who completed a rhythm-based memory program had significant gains when tested afterwards; but the person who completed mnemonics strategy training had mixed gains. Brain wave measurements and standardized tests are examined to determine whether attention and early processing may be more effective areas to target in rehabilitation than traditional cognitive strategies.
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This page is a summary of: Top-Down vs. Bottom-Up: A Case Series in Verbal Working Memory Treatments for Chronic Traumatic Brain Injury Deficits, Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, October 2019, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA),
DOI: 10.1044/2019_pers-sig19-2019-0014.
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