What is it about?
I show that many common, typically-human diseases can best be explained by the Littoral Theory, that human ancestors in the Pleistocene (ice ages) spent a lot of time in the water, wading & diving for shallow-aquatic foods such as shellfish & plants growing in shallow water (rice, sedges & other vegetables). These diseases include atheromatosis (arterio-sclerosis incl. heart attacks), osteo-arthrosis, hyperventilation & skin disorders such as acnea.
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Why is it important?
The Littoral Theory (also, but less correctly, called "auqatic ape theory") is important for theoretical (understanding diseases) & practical (treating diseases) medicine.
Google also "coastal dispersal of Pleitocene Homo PPT".
Marc Verhaegen
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: The Aquatic Ape Theory and some common diseases, Medical Hypotheses, November 1987, Elsevier,
DOI: 10.1016/0306-9877(87)90076-4.
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