What is it about?
A C825T polymorphism in the GNB3 gene encodes the Gβ3 subunit of heterotrimeric G proteins. Due to increased G protein activation the GNB3 825T allele, a truncated form of the G3 protein, is associated with enhanced signal transduction capacity. This splice variant is associated with various malignant diseases. We investigated the possible association of GNB3 gene polymorphism with prostate cancer and its clinicopathological characteristics.
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Why is it important?
G proteins convey signals between the cell surface receptor and intracellular signaling pathways, thereby controlling a broad range of biological processes including cell growth, transcription, motility and secretion. They consist of an alpha, a beta and a alpha subunit. Several subtypes of alpha, beta and gama subunits with distinctly different functions have been described. Of these subunits a functional synonymous polymorphism was reported for the beta subunit.
These results imply that the biological effect of the C825T SNP of the GNB3 gene is mediated by different signaling pathways for different tumor types. Also, cancers of different organ have different etiologies and molecular backgrounds. Another possible explanation for these discrepant findings compared to those of previous studies may be partly due to differences in study design (population based vs hospital based), study population allele frequency, statistical methods used and adjustment for confounding factors.
Dr Mohammad Reza Safarinejad
University of Medical Sceices
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: G Protein β3 Subunit Gene C825T Polymorphism and its Association with the Presence and Clinicopathological Characteristics of Prostate Cancer, The Journal of Urology, July 2012, Wolters Kluwer Health,
DOI: 10.1016/j.juro.2012.02.2557.
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