What is it about?
We studied how organizers from two different countries (Germany and Poland) start with new trade shows (a new exhibition topic, a new industry or a new geographic market). We have shown for the first time the process of designing the trade show from the perspective of organizers with a focus on stages and factors. Previous studies mostly focus on trade shows as a marketing tool and factors of participation in trade shows. This Share Link gives all free access to the full version of the paper till January 22, 2020 - please use it: Share Link: https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1aA9D59AUIV3CJ
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Why is it important?
We identified two groups of organizers who apply different methodologies. Our study contributes a starting point to better understand the organizers' motives and business perspectives of trade shows. The study reveals also that demand-related considerations are primary decision factors in the idea screening phase. Diverse partnership models are used for concept development, space-related revenue components are dominant in the business analysis phase.
Writing this article was a great challenge and a pleasure for me. Challenge because both co-authors deeply researched the bigger part of the trade show industry in both countries - actually, all key players were invited to this study to share their opinion. On the other side, this paper was a great pleasure to collaborate with the trade show expert from the German market and we both - hopefully - initiated intensive study area development of trade show organizers business.
Prof. Krzysztof Borodako
Cracow University of Economics
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Trade show innovations – Organizers implementation of the new service development process, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, December 2019, Elsevier,
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhtm.2019.10.005.
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